San Jose Dentists Specialists Center

IV Sedation Pre-Op Instructions


Do not eat or drink for at least 6 (six) hours prior to the scheduled appointment. If you regularly take prescription medication, take at the normal time with just enough water to swallow.

There MUST be a responsible adult (over 18years of age) to drive the patient both to and from the dental office, and stay during the procedure.

Minors, under 18 years of age, MUST be accompanied by a parent or a legal guardian.

Wear a loose fitting, short-sleeved shirt or top.

Contact lenses MUST be removed prior to the scheduled appointment time.

Note: The above instructions must be followed. These instructions are for your protection and failure to comply may result in cancellation of the procedure. PATIENTS WHO HAVE HAD INTRAVENOUS MEDICATION SHOULD NOT DRIVE AN AUTOMOBILE OR OPERATE MACHINERY FOR 24 HOURS. IT IS SUGGESTED THAT YOU HAVE A RESPONSIBLE ADULT STAY WITH YOU FOR THE REMAINDER OF THE SURGERY DAY.

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