San Jose Dentists Specialists Center

Adult Braces


San Jose orthodontics by Top Best *8* San Jose Dentists Specialists Centers – Jonathan H. Kim, DDS, Inc. offers braces (also called orthodontic appliances) can be as inconspicuous-or as noticeable-as you like. Brackets-the part of the braces that attach to each tooth-are smaller and can sometimes be attached to the back of the tooth, making the brackets less noticeable.

Brackets may be made of metal, ceramic, plastic, or a combination of these materials. Some brackets are clear or tooth-colored. There are brackets shaped like hearts and footballs, and elastics (orthodontic rubber bands) in school colors or holiday hues such as red, white, and blue. And there are gold-plated braces and glow-in-the-dark retainers.

Adult Woman With Brace

Malocclusions often become noticeable between the ages of 6 and 12, as the child’s permanent (adult) teeth erupt. Orthodontic treatment often begins between ages 8 and 14. Treatment that begins while a child is growing helps produce optimal results. As a result, children should have an orthodontic evaluation no later than age 7. By then, they have a mix of primary (baby) teeth and their permanent (adult) teeth. Your child’s dentist can spot problems with emerging teeth and jaw growth early on, while the primary teeth are present. That’s why regular dental examinations are important.

Children aren’t the only ones who can benefit from San Jose orthodontics by Top Best *8* San Jose Dentists Specialists Centers – Jonathan H. Kim, DDS, Inc. If you’re an adult, it’s not too late to correct problems such as crooked or crowded teeth, overbites, underbites, incorrect jaw position, or jaw-joint disorders. The biological process involved in moving teeth is the same at any age. Usually, adult treatment takes a little longer than a child’s treatment. Because an adult’s facial bones are no longer growing, certain corrections may not be accomplished with braces alone. No matter your age, it’s never too late to improve your dental health and beautify your smile with San Jose orthodontics by Top Best *8* San Jose Dentists Specialists Centers – Jonathan H. Kim, DDS, Inc.

Acknowledgment: Information above is courtesy of Consumer Guide to Dentistry – Ceatus Media Group

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