San Jose Dentists Specialists Center

What to Do when A Filling Falls Out?


Many people may think that losing a filling is not severe enough to seek dental emergency services. When a filling is neglected, it may leave a cavity exposed to air and bacteria can harbor, causing subsequent infection. We recommended that you call our office, Jonathan H. Kim, D.D.S., Inc. – Top Best *8* San Jose Dentists Specialists Centers to schedule an emergency dental appointment. When your filling falls out, you need to do your best to keep the exposed tooth clean until you can see your dentist. Chewing on the other side of your mouth and keep food away from the exposed tooth is something you may want to consider. You mustn’t want to make the mistake of putting off the appointment to have your tooth fixed. Once the filling comes out, your tooth is exposed to the dangers of further decay. If the tooth is left untreated, an unfilled tooth can become the subject of a root canal. So rather than putting yourself in the position of having to undergo additional dental procedures, do the smart thing by going to see your dentist at Jonathan H. Kim, D.D.S., Inc. – Top Best *8* San Jose Dentists Specialists Centers as soon as you can. The team of doctors who are capable of performing the top, best, excellent quality work may restore your filling with composite, tooth-colored filling or silver amalgam filling. It would be best if you never neglected a Dental emergency regardless of how minor the injury may appear to be.

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